40 Years Ago Sony’s Walkman Changed the Way We Listened to Music; Amazon’s Music Streaming Surge
40 years ago Sony’s Walkman changed the way we listened to music — www.cnet.com
The Walkman was just as big a change in the way we listened to music as the iPod was in the early 2000s.
Amazon Music is the fastest growing streaming service — www.musicbusinessworldwide.com
The FT reports that Amazon had over 32 million subscribers at the end of April.
Why Independent Musicians Are Becoming The Future Of The Music Industry — www.forbes.com
A new report from MIDiA Research fielded in partnership with digital music distributor Amuse says independent artists generated more than $643 million in 2018, a 35% jump from the year before.
A Rough Guide to Self Releasing Classical Music (with more detail on playlists) — www.matthewwhiteside.co.uk
A brief step by step of what you need to do to record, register and release your music.
RA: Spitting Image: Meet the electronic artists collaborating with their artificial twins — www.residentadvisor.net
Cherie Hu explores a new frontier for AI-fuelled music.
YouTube users can’t stop streaming Latin Pop — www.bbc.com
Music videos by Daddy Yankee, Rosalia and Maluma dominate YouTube’s most-watched list for 2019.
272m Americans listen to the radio each week — 7m more than in 2016 — www.musicbusinessworldwide.com
In spite of tough competition from the likes of smartspeakers, smartphones and tablets, broadcast radio is proving to be the most resilient entertainment format in the United States.
The best new music you’ve never heard might just be streaming on this Madison company’s app — www.jsonline.com
The app, from Madison-based startup Live Undiscovered Music Inc., focuses on drawing emerging artists and listeners who want to discover new music.
Study Shows Rise in Podcast Listening By Millennials, the Biggest ‘Audio Generation’ — www.billboard.com
Podcasts now represent almost 10 percent of audio listening among millennials, with podcasts replacing online video as a daytime escape.
What Is the Spotify Sound? — www.youtube.com
Streaming services like Spotify are changing more than the way we listen to music — they are actually changing the way music is written.
The future of cloud music trends — techaeris.com
The cloud has revolutionized the way we listen to music, unlocking millions of songs that we can access with the tap of a button.
The Music Industry Needs Its Own “No-Code” Awakening — mailchi.mp
The democratization of creativity might be one of the most clichéd phenomena underpinning the modern music business.
East African streaming service Smubu has 200k active users — musically.com
As the big global music-streaming services continue to mull their strategies for sub-Saharan Africa, local players are springing up to stake their claim to a piece of the nascent streaming market.
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